
Optimal investment and employment policy of a firm: A real options approach.

Corporate finance, Demande stochastique, Emploi, Employment, Finance d'entreprise, Fonction de production, Investissement optimal, Optimal investment, Options réelles, Production function, Real options, Stochastic demand

Analysis of the choice of investments: real options and production methods.

Choix des investissements, Fonctions de production, Investment analysis, Options réelles, Production function, Real options

The economy in the climate impasse.

Climat, Climate, Climate-skepticism, Climato-scepticisme, Croissance, Environment, Environnement, Fonction de production, Growth, Histoire de la pensée économique, History of economic thought, Ideology, Idéologie, Institutions, Laisser-faire, Laissez-faire, Mathematical economics, Methodology, Natural resources, Production function, Ressources naturelles, Économie mathématique, Épistémologie

From Methodology to Practice (and Back): Georgescu-Roegen's Philosophy of Economics and the Flow-Fund Model.

Entrée-sortie, Flow-fund, Flux-fond, Fonction de production, Georgescu-Roegen, Input-output, Methodology, Models, Modèles, Méthodologie, Philosophie, Philosophy, Production function, Substitution

The technology and cost structure of a natural gas pipeline: Insights for costs and rate-of-return regulation.

Natural gas pipeline, Production function, Regulation

The Technology and Cost Structure of a Natural Pipelines.

Natural gas pipeline, Production function, Regulation

Efficiency versus Stereotypes: an Experiment in Domestic Production.

Allocation du temps, Comportement des ménages, Experiment, Expérience, Fonction de production, Household behavior, Household production, Intra-household decision-making, Normes sociales, Prise de décision dans les ménages, Production domestique, Production function, Social norms, Stéréotypes, Time allocation